Daivd Monlux Participates with 1st Ever OU Model Arab League Team that Wins Big at the Southwest Model Arab League Conference
April 18, 2018
Back in the Fall 2017 Semester when the Model Arab League team at OU was trying to reach the minimum number of members which was 10, they were at 9. Monlux stepped up and volunteered to make it 10. In doing so prep sessions were taking during the Spring 2018 Semester. David was beyond excited to have this opportunity to learn about the Arab World, its culture, the Arab League structure and role play Jordan. Under the incredible direction of James Ratcliff, Peter King and Cassie Castle being on the Political Council, it gave Monlux tremendous insight to the position and stances of the Jordan government. In addition by participating it helps create and expand diversity on campus while allowing more options for application of classroom knowledge to International Studies, International Security Studies, Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies majors among other students to gain knowledge on the Arab World. Today, technology and communication is going global, while businesses interact with each other. Having understanding of foreign cultures is very important. While happy with the creation of the Model Arab League and a strong Model UN Program, I call upon OU and its students to push for the creation of a Model EU and a Model Organization of American States (OAS) at OU as well.
University of Oklahoma College of International Studies Adds Certificate in Global Engagement
November 14, 2017
Back on November 1st, 2016 with bills authored by Monlux, the SGA Undergraduate Student Congress passed a resolution calling on the College of International Studies to add Minors in Brazilian, Italian and Mexican Studies as a way to encourage more people to study abroad at OU's Study Centers in these Countries while justifying the cost. The College of International Studies listened. A year later thanks to the hard work of many and students all across campus making their voices heard a Certificate in Global Engagement open to all students was produced, certified and is now officially being offered. The requirements are: IAS 2003: Understanding the Global Community. An Internship with International Focus, an Intermediate level of a Foreign Language obtained and 6-9 credit hours (typical amount of in residence credits earned at OU study centers) of course work in an OU Study Abroad Program OR from a Foreign institution outside the US. Thank you to everyone that helped contribute in this effort.
In regards to the other resolutions supporting Oklahoma Studies plus Buddhist, Christian, Hindu & Islamic Studies efforts are still being made and pushed for discretely behind the scenes. This is a process that will take some time to complete, but efforts are being made. The addition of the Certificate in Global Engagement is a benefit to all students and the first of a major step in the road to both protecting existing courses while creating more choices for students to pursue at OU.
Monlux Blast the Regents & OU SGA Leadership for Student Selection Process
October 17, 2017
University of Oklahoma President David Boren announced his retirement in September 2017. His retirement is set to be effective June 30th, 2018. He said students would be included on the search committee in a process that would encompass representatives from the whole university community. The responsibility fell to SGA Legislative & Executive Leadership to appoint students on the Search Committee. The Regents gave 1 week for the appointment and ignored SGA appointment procedures, Regents Bylaws and the publicly stated perceived will at the time of President Boren. Instead of SGA Leadership standing up to fight for students, ask the Regents for a time extension to ensure a fair appointment process or making make shift interviews followed by calling for a special session fast track session, leadership either caved OR sold the students out for a position on the board themselves. The appointments resulted in the Chair of the Undergraduate Student Congress, the SGA Student Body Vice President, the Chair of the Student Bar Association and the Chair of the Graduate Student Senate being appointed after they nominated themselves. In a rush to a vote that violated the Oklahoma Open Meetings Act, they told student Congress "Put us on the Board OR no students will be on the Board." Congress out of fear of loosing student seats without any research said yes. SGA Leadership "Defense" was a short time frame and that all 4 were popularly elected by the student body. The SGA Student Body Vice President can take that Defense. However the other 3 can't. OU Academics is divided up into 48 academic seats for Congress across multiple academic districts, departments and divisions. The Chair of the Undergraduate Student Congress came from the Social Sciences Division. Then the other 47 voting members (with over 22,000 students on campus) chose her to be Chair. In the Graduate Student Senate each division chooses its member and the Chair of the Graduate Student Senate was in her third year of dictatorship role without giving up power as Chair. The Student Bar Association only represents the interest of Law Students which make up less than a 1,000. In the end over 18,000 students and student groups within different majors were ignored and left in the dark without a voice.
Monlux then legally challenged the process attempting to right the wrong and was met with mixed success in the first legal round. In the second round, the court order was ignored and willfully skirted by the Regents and SGA Leadership. His op ed in the OU Daily goes into detail on the first round. In the 2nd round, the Court reversed its decision contradicting its own logic less than a week later leading Monlux to believe that the Regents paid a visit to SGA Superior Court breaking impartiality from the bench with intimidation methods. At this time Monlux would like to thank Ryan Echols and Brian Owings for also bringing suit in student court over violation procedures of different aspects in regards to the same issue. The opposition to the appointments and legal challenges were of the process itself, NOT the caliber of the individuals who were well qualified.
Monlux Passes Resolutions thur the OU SGA Undergraduate Student Congress
November 15, 2016
After the survey legislation passed earlier this month allowing it to be sent out to the students, 517 students participated. Based off the results there was enough student support and interest to pursue 8 of the 13 proposed Minors. The 8 were Brazilian Studies, Buddhist Studies, Christian Studies, Hindu Studies, Islamic Studies, Italian Studies, Mexican Studies and Oklahoma Studies. By a vote of 25-10 a 3 separate resolutions were passed calling on University Administration, the College of International & Area Studies plus the Department of Religious Studies to adopt these Minors with a majority student support.
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