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Homelessness is a very complex issue facing America today. As inflation rises, the cost of housing/rent goes up, jobs get taken away from automation, other jobs get outsourced overseas, the population continues to increase and people are strapped with student loan debt preventing them from getting mortgages among many  other issues it will sadly continue to rise. While its a lot more complicated then that there are 7 areas of focus that we can examine. 


1: At Risk: To prevent further homelessness one thing we can do is to examine and understand at risk groups so opportunities, incentives and policies can be targeted/created to/toward them to stop homelessness before it happens which makes it easier to deal with the existing homeless. To learn more about at risk groups you can go the at risk section of this website at  


2: Housing First: This is a growing trend and theme in pop culture, academic research circles and homeless advocates. The basic premises is that you give the homeless shelter first with no pre existing conditions or strings attached before starting any programs. Early academic study results indicate success but it still has many critics. To see a more complete definition go to  


3: Organizational Resources: Provides a list of organizations in OKC, OK, US and the World to combat homelessness. It primarily focuses on organizations operating in the OKC Metro Area.  


4: Reports & Research: Over time Monlux has read a large number of academic studies and journal articles. Starting in Jan 2022 a comprehensive list of these will be available to view. When they are available to go to for links. 


5: Safe Lots: For homeless that have a car but no place to stay this would allow them a safe parking lot to park their car in at night from sunset to sunrise. This also allows government better monitoring. To see a more through definition go to  


6: Transitional Housing: For those leaving the programs but needing a street address for job applications or hold over until someone once again has recent job security.  To learn more go to  


7: What You Can Do: Homeless Blessing Bags, Motels for Cold Nights, Keep Cash Alive & Know Your Homeless Organizations. To learn more about these ideas and reasons behind them go to 

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