In today's ever globalizing World and advancements in instant communication in technology Studying Abroad is becoming more important now than ever before. Regardless if its broadening the horizon of an individual, cultural immersion/understanding, reliving history at historical sites visits, language learning, a love of travel or a degree requirement, as a National Security Issue, more Americans should be studying abroad than ever before. There are 3 areas that should be focused on.
1: Middle School/Jr. High: This area should focus on Summer History, Language Immersion and Recipient Exchange during the Summer.
2: High School: The US should commit a bold strategy and funding to engage its citizens with the World by committing $2.5 Billion a year ($5,000 X 500,000 (150,000 students per Fall/Spring & 200,000 students per Summer) Students a year to study abroad) in the interest of increasing cultural awareness/understanding, provide immersion for foreign language learners and increase American/Influence around the Globe.
3: College/University: The US should mandate a study abroad requirement as a graduation requirement for Foreign Language/International Studies Majors, offer more general education requirements met for students studying abroad and push for a goal of 40% study abroad for Associate Degree Students, 75% for Bachelor Degree Students and 80% study abroad rate for Graduate Students.
