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David Monlux was born in OKC and has been a life long resident while joining his parents on a few business trips during his youth and studying abroad 5 times in Undergrad. During Kindergarten he had his first political sparks. He went with his parents on a business trip to Washington DC and got to tour the White House. Later that same year, he came home late one night (for a kindergartner) to find his dad watching a Presidential Debate between Al Gore & George W. Bush. The effects were unknown at the time, but those two events combined played a major subconscious role in developing his political passion which continues to this day.


For 1st-8th Grade he went to St. John's Episcopal School in OKC. During 4th grade he won his first major (at the time) political election & became the 4th Grade Class rep on the Student Council. In 6th Grade David was the assistant business manager  for the yearbook, a Division 3 Award Recipient at the Central Oklahoma Regional Science & Engineering Fair while placing 2nd at the PPARTS Festival in the Acrylic Division in addition to hosting an exchange student from South Korea for a month. In 7th grade he got to tour the National Weather Service in Norman before letting out for Summer to volunteer 116 hours at Integris Baptist Medical Center. In 8th Grade David Monlux became the Student Council President and graduated from St. John's in May of 2009. That Summer he volunteered 49 hours at Baptist and took an Oklahoma History on the Road Course as his first High School Class before the Fall began.


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During High School Monlux took 8 classes each Semester, was a Student Council Rep of his Class for 3 of his 4 years, spent 2 years on the Football Team and all 4 years on the Tennis Team. David scored above the College Readiness Benchmark ACT in  English & Reading. In addition he performed countless hours of Community Service, was awarded the President's Volunteer Service Award, was part of YLX Youth Leadership Exchange XVI & served as a Page to State Representatives Mike Reynolds & Paul Wesselhoft during his Junior & Senior Year. In the Senior awards he was voted by his classmates "MOST LIKELY TO BECOME PRESIDENT". On May 18th, 2013 David Monlux Graduated from Mt. St. Mary's Catholic High School. 





Photos above/below do NOT represent a political endorsement or approval of any kind on any/all of my political views/pursuits. In fact I'm sure many of these people would disagree with some/all of my policies and be more than happy to point out (in their mind) where I'm wrong. That is  OK with me. I believe in civil discourse and working across the aisle to bridge the divide instead of having the extreme partisanship that exist today. 


Upon graduating from Mount, Monlux started by helping Paul Wesselhoft organize the Syria Not Our War Rally. David then started Undergrad in Fall 2013 at Rose State in Midwest City OK. He spent most of his first Semester distracted working on political proposals and ideas. In Spring 2014 David had three life events that carried forward his political passion and sent him deep into comparative studies. Those events were joining the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature (O.I.L.) via the Rose State Delegation, doing a study abroad in Greece & Turkey while becoming the youngest in the history of Oklahoma to run for the State House of Representatives at the age of 20 when the minimum age was 21 thanks in part to a loophole in an AG Opinion that stated qualifications only applied to office holders not candidates. Therefore he was allowed to run in the 2014 OK GOP Primary Election. The rest of the Summer was uneventful and that was when David enrolled in classes at Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC) starting in the Fall 2014 Semester. Things were then slow with enrollment at both OCCC and Rose State until the pace picked up in August 2015. 



In August 2015 David became Secretary of the Cleveland County Young Republicans, went with Americans for Prosperity on a trip to Ohio, met with Ted Cruz, enrolled in 21 credit hours at Rose State and finished his first Associate Degree while joining/supporting the efforts Paul Wesselhoft and Eric Sundby to return Shepherdess Bringing in Sheep (Camille Pissarro 1886) to its rightful owner and heir in France.  He was also accepted to the University of Oklahoma (OU)  for the Spring 2016 Semester. In Spring 2016 Monlux took classes from both OCCC and OU. During that Semester he joined the OU Student Government Association (SGA) as an Associate Rep and became a member of the Problems and Project Committee before being appointed as a Parking Appeals Justice to hear appeals of illegal parking citations on OU's campus. For Summer 2016 he enrolled in 14 credit hours between OCCC, OSU-OKC and OU while finishing his first (2nd overall) Associate Degree from OCCC. In addition David was part of Tom Cole's Primary reelection campaign that Summer knocking doors like crazy. Fall 2016 was a whirlwind between classes at both OU/OSU-OCK, meeting Irish Consul General Adrian Farrell and serving as lead counsel for Ryan Echols and Joshua Shumway in the OU SGA Student Body President and VP race while still being a parking justice and outside political campaign volunteering. As if that wasn't enough, Monlux was also a member of the Cleveland County GOP Platform Committee. Then in early 2017 Monlux resigned from all his GOP positions after Trump was elected so he could go study for a Semester in Mexico and Cuba for Spring 2017 between the OU Study Center, UPAEP in Puebla, Cancun, Mexico City, La Habana and Playa Giron. While there he got to take Politics of Mexico in Mexico, Mexican Culture and Literature in Mexico, Cuban Culture/Politics in Cuba and Latin Americans Governments/Politics from Latin American expert Dr. Kenney. In Summer 2017 David came back to complete the FEMA IS-00100.b Intro to Incident Command System ICS-100 and IS-00525 Guardian Accord (GA) Workshop in June 2017 before going to knock doors for Paul Rosino in the Special Senate District 45 election during the first week of August to replace Kyle Loveless. 


In Fall 2017 David was primarily focused on three (3) things which were his US State Department Diplomacy Lab Project for US Embassy Moscow, representing Daniel (Dan) Williams in the OU SGA Presidential Election later submitting an Amicus on his behalf after Superior struck down representation and suing in University Courts the University for its fly by night unlawful appoint selection process for student representation on the board to pick the next university President after David Boren announced his retirement. In Spring 2018 David wrote a massive comparative terrorist paper on the FARC, ELN and Shining Path while also being a founding member of the OU Model Arab League and winning big in a tournament by role playing Jordan. That semester he also completed his first (3rd overall) Associate Degree from OSU-OKC. In Summer 2018 he went on another Study Abroad Program to Peru which included time in Lima, Cusco, the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Puerto Maldonado, Infierno and the Amazon Rain Forest led by Professors Kenney and Smith. He then returned later that Summer to put together a 146 Page OU wide reform plan upon Gallogly's call for students to come forward with ideas. University President Gallogly rejected the proposal (you can read the proposal in its entirety at and scroll down to 9: STUDENTS FIRST OU REFORM PLAN AUG 2018:) and then blocked David's financial aid over the proposal (see more in the legal section of this website) for the academic year and blocked enrollment at the Institution (OU) for Spring 2019. During Fall 2018 David was able to work on a major paper (Catty Wampis about the Wampis Nation) over Nation formation and deformation which led to the discovery of the Nation Pyramid. In Spring 2019 Monlux took classes at OCCC and joined the joint Political Science book club between OCCC and Rose State while also taking a job with Sitel which he continued working for over the Summer as his only focus. Gallogly then left that Summer and David was allowed to re enroll in classes at OU starting in Fall 2019. OU then sued David in Cleveland County District Court (SC 2019-3811) for the aid money that they blocked David from receiving to which he went to work defending himself while self representing. It was then dismissed with prejudiced in September 2019 but his countersuit for compensation was disallowed by the judge for wanting to protect state institutions. (Over his objection in Feb 2020 in the name of state protectionism his documentation to the court was stricken from the record and the verdict of SC 2019-3811 was changed to settle.) During the Fall 2019 Semester Monlux participated in a Multidisciplinary Capstone course in which gave him an excuse to do an in depth study on homelessness (initial paper 20 pages. In process of expanding) in hopes to combat this serious problem and also participated in the International Neustadt Literature Festival while getting to interview Margarita Engle. During that Semester Sitel also announced that effective December 31st 2019 it was ceasing ALL center operations in Oklahoma and thus  David was reduced in force. He then found a job with (cinet) which combined with classes forced him to resign from his OU Parking Appeals Justice position before being laid off on March 16th 2020 from cinet due to COVID 19. After 6 months of pandemic unemployment he then found a temp job in the COSTCO call center. Also during the 2020 Summer David enrolled in courses at American Public University System. Then in Nov 2020 he started working as a contact tracer, COVID investigator and shot data entry. The Contact Tracing gig ended on April 30th 2021. Due to the Delta wave Monlux was brought back contact tracing from mid July 2021-Halloween 2021. Then due to the Omicron wave David was again brought back from the third week of November 2021-Jan 14th 2022. During his time with the OKC-County Health Dept via Express he had a chance to learn a lot about Public Health, learn the back end of insurance and learn from many Health professionals. He then took Feb 2022 off and started as  a pre entry screener for SODEXO (subcontracted out to St. Anthony's) in 2022 to learn more about Health Care, Health costs and how Hospitals operate. The pre entry screeners positions were then eliminated at the end of March and David was transferred to another department at St. Anthony's so he could learn more about Health Care for an upcoming paper. Also during Summer 2022 David took one final class at OU and was awarded his first two (2) Bachelor Degrees and two Minors from OU bringing his total (10/9/22) Undergraduate Credentials to seven (7) so far with more on the horizon. Monlux looks forward to additional updates in the 2nd quarter of 2023.




Photos above do NOT represent a political endorsement or approval of any kind on any/all of my political views/pursuits. In fact I'm sure many of these people would disagree with some/all of my policies and be more than happy to point out (in their mind) where I'm wrong. That is  OK with me. I believe in civil discourse and working across the aisle to bridge the divide instead of having the extreme partisanship that exist today. 

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