PRE K, K & ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Just there. No grades. Let kids be kids & passing to the next level be determined by the the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) & the teacher.
JR. HIGH/MIDDLE SCHOOL: Pass/Fail with Pass being a score of 50% or Higher.
DEFENSE: We should be encouraging learning at the younger level. In addition employers usually ask for High School and above, NOT your Jr. High/Middle School transcripts. Comprehending half or more of what is being taught is very important and it teaches them to navigate classes as a trial run prior to high school while learning what it takes to pass.
HIGH SCHOOL: 3 STEP APPROACH: (To see more about Monlux's plan of Modernizing America's High Schools please visit ).
1: FOREIGN LANGUAGE & PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Award Credit for each student completing the semester. Make it GPA Neutral where no letter grade is given or GPA calculation.
2: LEISURE & LIFE SKILL CLASSES: Pass/No Pass with no effect on the GPA.
3: CORE SUBJECTS: Normal Standard Letter Grades and 4.00 GPA, however arrange the letter grades to be the following.
DEFENSE OF HIGH SCHOOL PROPOSED GRADING SYSTEM: For A's 85%+ is the equivalent to 17/20 or better which shows tremendous knowledge and comprehension on a subject.
For B's its 3/4 mastery to just below 85% on a subject which shows high level functionality and familiarity with much more to learn on a subject.
For C's it shows 2/3 to just below 3/4 mastery which is worthy of credit. However much more is still needed.
For D's its clearly above half of the knowledge learned but below 2/3 which shows progress and learning was made that is certainly not an F, but not functional in the subject either.
For F's it demonstrates that the student has difficulty with the subject and should't be passed.
COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY: All classes should be letter graded with no pass/fail option and the grading system should be as follows in the chart below.
DEFENSE OF COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY PROPOSED GRADING SYSTEM: In College/University you have hit the big leagues and are preparing for your career while advanced subjects and concepts are being thrown at you. In addition classes/subjects are expected to be taught and learned within one semester of 16 weeks max.
Making the A 95%+ or higher it makes one truly worthy of earning an A and demonstrates a high level of competency/mastery in a subject while making the A more valuable and accurate reflector of a subject while clamping down on the University problem of Grade inflation.
For B's it would raise the highest end from 8.9/10 to 9.494/10 while lowering the minimum B to 3/4 competency. This more accurately reflects potential and understanding of a candidate to an employer.
For C's it changes the traditional 7/10-below 8/10 to understanding of 2/3 to just below 3/4.
For D's it changes from 6/10 to less than 7/10 to those that learn between half to less than 2/3 of the total course materials.
For F's if you learn/comprehend less than half of the course materials, than you should fail the course. However today, a student can learn/comprehend 59% of the course materials (9% greater than half of what it taught) and still walk away with an F and no credit.
To recap it makes A more rewarding and challenging to earn, those below the A but at or above 3/4 get a B, those between 2/3 and under 3/4 get a C while those learning less half or more but below 2/3 get a D. Those learning less than half get an F.
COLLEGE DROP/WITHDRAW PROPOSALS: 18 Week Courses: For students in a 18 week course, I support students being able to drop a course with full refund/reduction of charges with no classes recorded on their transcript through the last day of the full 4th week of classes. Between the 1st day of the 5th week and last day of the 16th week, I support free withdraw of an automatic W without the permission of the professor or dean to withdraw from a course. Starting the 1st day of the 17th week, the student cannot withdraw for any reason.
16 Week Courses: For students in 16 week course, I support students being able to drop a course with full refund/reduction of charges with no classes recorded on their transcript through the last day of the full 3rd week of classes. Between the 1st day of the 4th week and last day of the 14th week, I support free withdraw of an automatic W without the permission of the professor or dean to withdraw from a course. Starting the 1st day of the 15th week, the student cannot withdraw under any circumstance.
14 Week Courses: For students in 14 week course, I support students being able to drop a course with full refund/reduction of charges with no classes recorded on their transcript through the last day of the full 2nd week of classes. Between the 1st day of the 3rd week and last day of the 12th week, I support free withdraw of an automatic W without the permission of the professor or dean to withdraw from a course. Starting the 1st day of the 13th week, the student cannot withdraw under any circumstance.
12 Week Courses: For students in a 12 week course, I support students being able to drop a course with full refund/reduction of charges with no classes recorded on their transcript through the last day of the full 2nd week of classes. Between the 1st day of the 3rd week and last day of the 10th week, I support free withdraw of an automatic W without the permission of the professor or dean to withdraw from a course. Starting the 1st day of the 11th week, the student cannot withdraw under any circumstance.
10 Week Courses: For students in a 10 week course, I support students being able to drop a course with full refund/reduction of charges with no classes recorded on their transcript through the last day of the full 2nd week of classes. Between the 1st day of the 3rd week and last day of the 8th week, I support free withdraw of an automatic W without the permission of the professor or dean to withdraw from a course. Starting the 1st day of the 9th week, the student cannot withdraw under any circumstance.
9 Week Courses: For students in a 9 week course, I support students being able to drop a course with full refund/reduction of charges with no classes recorded on their transcript through the last day of the full 2nd week of classes. Between the 1st day of the 3rd week and last day of the 7th week, I support free withdraw of an automatic W without the permission of the professor or dean to withdraw from a course. Starting the 1st day of the 8th week, the student cannot withdraw under any circumstance.
8 Week Courses: For student in a 8 week course, I support students being able to drop a course with full refund/reduction of charges with no classes recorded on their transcript through the last day of the full 2nd week of classes. Between the 1st day of the 3rd week and last day of the 6th week, I support free withdraw of an automatic W without the permission of the professor or dean to withdraw from a course. Starting the 1st day of the 7th week, the student cannot withdraw under any circumstance.
6 Week Courses: For each student in a 6 week course, I support students being able to drop a course with full refund/reduction of charges with no classes recorded on their transcript through the last day of the full 2nd week of classes. Between the 1st day of the 3rd week and last day of the 4th week, I support free withdraw of an automatic W without the permission of the professor or dean to withdraw from a course. Starting the 1st day of the 5th week, the student cannot withdraw under any circumstance.
4 Week Courses: For each student in a 4 week course, I support students being able to drop a course with full refund/reduction of charges with no classes recorded on their transcript through the last day of the full 1st week of classes. Between the 1st day of the 2nd week of classes and the last day of the 3rd week, I support free withdraw of an automatic W without the permission of the professor or dean to withdraw from a course. Starting the last week of a 4 week course, the student cannot withdraw under any circumstance.
3 Week Course: For each student in a 3 week course, I support full drop with refund during the 1st week. I support an automatic W during the 2nd week. During the third and final week, the student cannot withdraw under any circumstance.
2 Week Course: For each student in a 2 week, I support a full drop with refund and no transcript record during the first 3 days of the course. I support an automatic W for days 4-8. Days 9-14 the student cannot withdraw for any reason.
1 Week Course: I support a full drop with refund and no transcript record during the first 2 days. I support an automatic W during days 3 and 4. Upon starting day 5 the student cannot withdraw for any reason.
Less than a week: No refunds or drops once the class starts.